Rapidomize workflows allows you to integrate apps, services or devices. We name a workflow as an Intelligent Connected App, in short . Each workflow () consists of at least two apps, services or devices. Workflows are represented as graphs. In the workflow graph, each app, service or device is referred to as Node or Step. Workflow executes triggers from first Node when an Event occurs in that Node. Event occurs in the node’s due to schedule execution, api execution, retrieval of data from a service, … etc. This first Node is called Trigger and other Nodes in the workflow are called Actions because they perform an action based on the triggered event. can have Only One Trigger and One or More Actions.

How ICApp workflow executes

How ICApps are represented?

are represented as graphs. For example, following are few representations:

  1. having one Trigger and one Action. Here, when every time an Event occurs in Trigger the Action is getting executed. So the data from the Trigger is feed into the Action for consumption.


  2. having one Trigger and two Actions. Here, when every time an Event occurs in Trigger both of the the Actions are getting executed simultaneously. So the Event’s data from the Trigger is simultaneously feed into both Actions for consumption.


  3. having one Trigger and two Actions in sequence. Here, when every time an Event occurs in Trigger both of the the Action are getting executed one after the other in the order first the Action1 and then Action2. So the Event’s data from the Trigger is feed first into the Action1 and then Action2. This model allows Action2 to consume both data from original Event data and data received from `Action1'.


ICApp’s data formats

We utilize JSON format as normalized form to represent data for ICApp execution. If the apps, services or devices you connect produce non-JSON data, then the normalization process encodes such data into JSON form so that they can be processed consistently.

How to create an ICApp

Following steps assumes that you have already Signed Up with the Rapidomize.

  1. To start creating an ICApp workflow, select Intelligent Connected Apps from the left hand side menu and then click on Create New ICApp button on the top-right hand corner of your screen.

  2. Specify a name for your in the screen.

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  3. From here you can select either Wizard work flow or Advanced Flow Designer work flow to proceed creating your . Wizard allows you to create simple workflows involving a few steps very quickly. When you want to create advance workflows involving many steps you need to use the Flow Designer. It allows you to drag and drop or rearrange Nodes of the , is flexibility to layout the flow Nodes as you prefer.

  4. In Wizard, you need to click the green arrow buttons to move forward or backward.

  5. Select App/Service that Triggers your from the list of Apps/Services. (When an Event occurs in the selected App/Service, your workflow will be Triggered)

  6. If the App/Service you selected requires an account to access it (Authorization is not required in some apps), provide authorization details as requested.

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    If you don’t have an account with the selected App/Service, create an account first and use it for authorization. E.g: If you select Google Sheets as your Trigger app, and when you authorize to access the service, your screen will appear as follows.

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  7. Once Rapidomize is connected to your App/Service account, you can proceed with the creation of your by pressing the “Select” button.

  8. Now, select your Trigger functionality from the list (Trigger functionality starts with the word When).

  9. Provide configuration details as requested.

  10. Test & see whether you can get expected or sample data (for some Trigger we provide sample data that allows you to configure next steps).

    It is super important to test your App/Service to get expected or sample data as that data is needed for you to configure the next steps of your .

  11. Once the Trigger is set, you need to select an Action App/Service to use with the Trigger. To add an Action App/Service to your , click on the “Add Service” button.

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  12. Select the App/Service you want to connect as the Action, from the list of Apps/Services.

  13. Authorize the App/Service if necessary.

  14. Select the desired Action from the list of given actions.

  15. Provide configuration details as requested.

  16. Click on Test / Get Sample Data button to test your Action (if you don’t test your Action at this stage, your data will not be available for the next step that you are going to configure. Therefore you need to test all steps of your workflow).

  17. If you need to add additional Actions follow the steps 6-11 again for each new Action.

  18. Save your by clicking on Save .

  19. Once saved on Intelligent Connected Apps screen, you can activate the automation for it by clicking the Run toggle button. Once you activated your , it will run according to the specified schedule.

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  20. Click on the “Status” icon on the card to see the status of your from the Dashboard.

An alternative method to create an ICApp

Choose All Services button from the Menu. Select the Trigger type you need and start creating your ICApp.

Last modified August 24, 2024