Rapid Interfaces

Use Rapidomize and quickly build and deploy Dashboards, Forms and Internal Apps to accelerate the growth of your business.

This page shows you how to use Rapid Interfaces.

Use this no code feature and create any type of dashboard, app interfaces or forms to collect data, analyze responses and visualize in real-time using workflows. It is very straightforward and simple to understand.


  1. Interact with the list of drag and drop components (UI widgets) to configure your rapid interface.
  2. Use widgets like row, column, 2-D layout and card to create the layout of an interface. Entering of data to the rapid interface can be done via input, text area, date & time, select, auto complete, time zone etc. widgets.


  1. To access input components, click Rapid Interfaces icon rint on the menu and select (+) button to create a new rapid interface.
  2. Give a name to your interface and click on create/edit button to set it up.
  3. You can see the list of components or UI widgets that can be used to create Rapid Interfaces on your left hand side.
  4. Select the input component of your interest and drag and drop it to the workspace to use it.Click on the widget and under the set up widget you can set your specific requirements (General and Styles tabs).

Input widget

  1. Enter short text, numbers, telephone, Email, passwords etc. using this widget.
  2. Select the input type.
  3. Provide a parameter name for your data. Ex: Name, Account ID etc. No punctuation marks or spaces are allowed here. This parameter name allows you to submit your data to an event or an API call.
  4. Label your input under place holder.
  5. If you want to put a regular expression pattern to validate your data, input your regular expression under validation pattern.
  6. You can trigger or set a value for a related event, whenever an input is changed. Select your preference (if required).
  7. Under styles tab, you can specify the dimensions of your text, back ground and foreground colours, display positions, margins, paddings, border requirements, font specifications, allignment etc.

Text area

  1. Use this widget to write detailed text descriptions.
  2. Provide a parameter name for your data. Ex: title etc. No punctuation marks or spaces are allowed here. This parameter name allows you to submit your data to an event or an API call.
  3. Under “Handle change event”, you can trigger or set a value for a related event, whenever an input is changed. Select your preference (if required).

Date & Time

  1. Use this widget to include date, time or both to your interface.
  2. Select the type of input you require.
  3. Provide a parameter name for your data. No punctuation marks or spaces are allowed here. This parameter name allows you to submit your data to an event or an API call.
  4. Under “Handle change event”, you can trigger or set a value for a related event, whenever an input is changed. Select your preference (if required).


  1. This widget allows you to select one or more option(s) from a list of multiple options. By selecting the checkbox, you can allow the widget to select multiple options. Refer Specification

  2. For the options, you can manually define values or retrive the options from a data source through workflows ().

  3. To define values manually, you need to provide the list of values as name-value pairs. Whenever you select the name of an option from an option list, the related value will be automatically set in to the input. Clear the existing json sample data and add your name value pairs as a json array of objects. To enter json data, use json tab and enter as an array or use text tab and enter json array as a text. Refer video for more details.

Auto Complete

  1. This widget functions similar to the select widget. In addition you can edit the selected option.

Rows & Columns

  1. Use these components to create the structure of the layout of your interface.
  2. Raws - Divide an interface in to horizontal divisions.
  3. Columns - Divide an interface into vertical divisions. UI elements and content are then aligned to these rows and columns.

Together they create a grid system that helps to structure the contents of your interface.They act as containers for your data/elements and provide consistency and improves readability of your interface across multiple devices such as desktops, tablets and mobile phones. Add required widgets to the rows or columns to create your interface.


  1. Any dashboard you create can be displayed on your dashboard.
  2. Click rint icon on the Menu and you can view the list of dashboards you have created so far.
  3. Select the Dashboardicon on the particular dashboard card you want to select as your dashboard, and it will be displayed as your dashboard thereafter.


These tutorials shows you how Rapidomize’s Rapid Interfaces can be used to build various applications to monitor, measure, analyze and visualize your data in no time. Use Rapid Interfaces to monitor your processes, interact with customers, for communication with your staff and to manage finances etc. Boost your productivity by putting minimum input and getting maximum output from this user friendly no code application.

Last modified August 16, 2024